Sunday, August 29, 2010

Some funny things you do and say:

1. "Mommy, I pull the PLUB" when you are ready to get out of the bath and 'pull the plug.'

2. You have started climbing IN and OUT of your crib, and you are so proud of yourself! You even showed Mommy how to do it when I asked you how in the world you managed to do that so quietly :-) You climb out about 6:30 every morning and come in our room with our wake up call "MORNING! GET UP GET UP!"

3. Last night, when we laid you down for bed, I was explaining to you that instead of running into Mommy and Daddy's room when you got up in the morning and crawling all over us until we got moving . . .you could quietly come in and let us know you were awake, then just play quietly in your room with your books. Well, no sooner had I closed your door and walked into my room across the hall, than your bedroom door opened and you said "I'M AWAKE. YOU AWAKE?!" You were devastated when we told you that you had to go back to bed and try again in the morning :-)

4. Since your 2nd birthday 3 weeks ago you have learned your first 3 Bible verses:
(your version)
John 3:16 "God loved the world. Gave his Only Son. Whoever believe in Him. Not die. Live forEVER!"

Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to EVERYONE."

Genesis 1:1 "In beginning. God created heaven and EARTH!"

5. You love swimming "by yourself." You will not have anything to do with me or Daddy holding onto you. You just want your life jacket and go out into the deep waters kicking those little legs away (not actually swimming, but totally saying you are).

6. When we prayed before bed, you thanked God for the sand in the sandbox and the water at the beach.

7. You got in trouble today for dumping out Rosie's water and eating her dog food. Your new play place is in Rosie's dog house WITH Rosie.

Another day in the life. . loving every minute!
Dear Colt,

I had a revelation last night to start a blog JUST FOR YOU. . . to record all of the hilarious and adorable things you do that make us smile and laugh on a daily basis :-) The good news is that you are 2 and it is such a fun age! I'm glad I can start writing this stuff down now that you are talking and doing so many new things as you grow. The only bad thing is that I wish I would have started sooner! So, to compensate for that you'll have to check out Mommy's blog where I have countless pics from your first 2 years of life!