Monday, September 17, 2012

I was pushing Colt and Kylie to the park in the double jogger. I'm adventurous enough to push and jog on the flat parts at this point in my pregnancy. Colt surprised me and made me stop to laugh when he turned around and said, "good exercising Mommmy!" What a good little encourager.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

David was tickling Kylie and she was getting a little irritated at him. So, Colt said, "Dad you shouldn't FAROKE her!" I have been telling Colt not to "provoke" his sister :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Colt just asked me if we could watch "Snow Wipe" sometime. . .

Monday, September 3, 2012

When I came home from work the other night I was greeted by a sweet little boy's voice saying, "Is that my sweetie, precious Mommy?!" He's been carrying on like this recently. Pretty cute :) ----------------------------------------------------------------- We went to a birthday party yesterday and Colt was excited about eating some cake. It made me laugh when he asked if "they had fired the cake yet?" (lit the candles)