Monday, June 27, 2011

I had taught Colt the Spanish words for boy and girl sometime last week: "Chico and Chica." He surprised me today while reading the same book, when the little boy page came he said, "Mom is he a Cheetoh or Cheetah?"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Colt: "I want to go live at Mrs. Jenn's house. Our house is too fandy."

"What do you mean by fandy Colt?"

Colt: (He pointed at the fans) "We have to many of those."

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Colt L.O.V.E.S golf! He actually sat on David's lap and watched a golfing tournament for about an hour. . . loving every second. I would just laugh because he was CONSTANTLY asking questions (I'm sure David was loving that). Colt's famous line from watching that golf tourney is "He's a good shotter-man!"

When I asked what his favorite sport was, it went something like this:
"Which is your favorite, Golf or Baseball?" = Golf.
"Which is your favorite, Golf or Football?" = Golf.
"Which is your favorite, Golf or Basketball?" = Golf.
"Ok, so which is your SECOND favorite. . . baseball or basketball?" = Golf.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Colt's greatest made up word: "Superly!"

For an example on it's usage - "Mommy, is it raining? I want it to rain SUPERLY harder!"
or. . . "Oh MOOOOMMY! I am SUPERLY excited!"

Makes me smile.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

We were test driving a truck this evening (craigslist). Colt decided to climb over the seat to get his shoes - I said, "Colt! You can't climb all over cars. Especially this car - it's not even ours." He just looked at me and said, "Ok Mommy, but maybe this is a truck."

I had to laugh.

Tonight, Colt randomly asked me if I was a "nurse." At first, I thought he called me a NERD! haha. . . But, he quickly corrected me and called me "nurse" instead of "mommy" the rest of the night :-)

Friday, June 10, 2011

"Mommy! Look at my pretty horsey!"

"What's your horse's name Colt?"

"Ummm, maybe it's Lips."

The names that he comes up with off the top of his head are usually (Lips, Lups, Mups, Wups. . . etc.) Interesting indeed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Daddy! I just broke my toe! Can I have a new one?"


"Mommy, I am a CALENDAR!" (What???)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

We were playing baseball tonight in the backyard with Colt. David missed the ball (PROBABLY because of Colt's throw - ha), but Colt said "Daddy, you know why you missed it? Because you didn't keep the ball on your eye!"

(I think he meant "keep your eye on the ball")

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I told Colt he couldn't have any more fruit snacks because he wasn't willing to share them -

Colt: "I am sharing. I am shareful!"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Definition of a "good boy" according to Colt:

1. Hug things
2. Kiss things
3. Smile
4. Brush your teeth
5. Wear clothes

David asked him who taught him those things, and Colt said "God did!" We asked him to let us know next time he talked to God. Colt said God gave him kisses too.
Colt: "Mom, can I please have some milk and craisins?"

Colt: "Mom, will juice make my teeth fall out?" (I must have accidentally gave him a complex about cavities and his teeth falling out! Don't worry, we just discussed it)

Random. I love him.