Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Another good Colt question, "Mom, will people in wheelchairs be able to walk again?" I told him it depends on the reason they are in the wheelchair (i.e. injury, broken bone, accident, age, paralysis). He said, "Oh! I get it. So, if someone spills glue all over their legs and can't get it off, then their legs will be glued together FOREVER and they won't be able to walk again." I died laughing. That was funny.
Walking Colt home from school, for some reason MY hands were freezing and Colt's were warm! I asked him why MY hands were cold and his weren't? His answer: "Maybe. . . you are about to die?" WHAT? Um, no. Try again son. His second answer: "Maybe because it's turning winter." That's more probable and acceptable to me :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

When I grow up I would like to be an Indian, and I would like to be called Flying Eagle.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Tonight Colt wanted to find a girl and boy frog so the frogs could get married and have babies... Then he could have lots of frogs.

I just like the fact that he added the "get married" part in there! Ha!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Mom, last night I slept with my eyes open!

(Oh really? How do you do that?)

You just lay down. Open your eyes and relax.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Colt just taught me about lemon sharks, platypus being an egg-laying mammal, and that skunks can only spray about 6 times. . . this boy may have a future with animals. He LOVES them!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Colt and Daddy were eating some good local food tonight. Colt tried of bite of something that was actually "hua jiao" (numbing spice popular in food here). He started spitting saying he, "did NOT like that pepper! I thought it was fish eye!" Funny to me that he was fine to eat a fish eye, but not pepper.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Colt's response when I handed him a regular t-shirt to wear with his pajama pants,"Mom! I can't wear that! That is YUCK!" Whaaaa?

Monday, February 24, 2014

As I was making biscuits, Colt requested I also make some eggs because "eggs GO BEAUTIFULLY with biscuits."

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Caden was sitting on Colt's head today, and Colt said, "Caden get off! You're sitting on my brain!"

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Colt has been playing football in the house with David. I overheard him say, "Ok let's CUDDLE UP!" When I asked about it, David said that is what Colt calls the "huddle." Pretty cute.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Colt was talking to David last night about the "cool" things in China. He said with total excitement, "And Dad! When we came to China, that was the first time in my WHOLE WIDE LIFE that I rode in a taxi!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reminiscing to last December, Colt was riding with Papaw Randy and Nana Gail when Papaw Randy hit a deer. Colt said, "What was that?!" Nana Gail told him that Papaw had just hit a deer. Then, Colt asked, "Well why did you do that Papaw?"

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Colt randomly said to us this afternoon, "Dad, for my 10-year-old birthday can you give me a coconut? And you might need to help me open it."