Sunday, July 1, 2012
Colt has been on a roll the last 2 days. . .
(Driving him from Grandma and Grandpa's) "Mom, are we in another country yet?"
No, we didn't leave the country. We are in a different STATE.
"OH! Well I want to go to NEW YORK! NEW YORK!"
Ok, and how do you know anything about New York anyways??
Yes, it's been lingering around 105-110 degrees. Colt had a lot of fun at Grandma and Grandpa's swimming pool last week and informed me that we need to "dig a hole in our yard, POUR CEMENT, and fill it with water!" I asked him how he knew to pour cement? He said, "that's just what builders do!"
"Mom, this next baby is going to be a boy because it is a PATTERN. Boy - Girl - Boy - Girl." Guess we better get on the ball if we are having at least 4 according to Colt.
"When I grow up I'm going to be a race car driver, policeman, fireman, mailman, and builder."
How are you going to be all of those things Colt?
"I'm going to do them ONE AT A TIME of course."
Of course.
Admiring the happy meal toy display at "Old McDonalds" - "Mom, how did they CREATE this? Will you ask them?"