Monday, December 6, 2010

2 year olds say the funniest things!

1. On our travels up to WV we stopped for a bathroom break at McDonalds, while sitting in a booth enjoying our 3/$1 cookies ;-) Colt looked over at a table full of teenagers and yelled, "IS EVERYBODY OKAY OVER THERE?" That could possibly be my first embarrassing moment? He's so verbal!

2. At Mom and Dad's, while David was hunting, we were all sitting together finishing up breakfast. Mom asked Colt if he needed to go to the bathroom. Colt's response, "Well, that's a good question Nana!"

3. Today Colt asked me what I was eating. . . I told him I thought I might eat some cereal, or an apple, or orange, or banana. To which he replied, "THAT'S JUST CRAZY MAMA! You are soooo crazy!" hahahaha. I love it - all this talking (most of the time)!