Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Colt got wet "playing in rain" after church on Sunday with some other kids. He was trying to catch the rain dripping off the roof with a jar (sounds like a great past time for a 2 year old I know). Nevertheless, he came running in yelling, "MOMMY GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" I asked him what he wanted "off," to which he replied "the rain on my sweater!"

With this pregnancy I've been quite sick (again). One morning I was just crying because I felt so weak and couldn't quit vomiting. Colt came in and gave me a kiss, "It's going to be okay Mommy." Then I got sick again, and he just looked at me and said, "It's PROBABLY going to be okay. . ." Very reassuring. It is sweet to hear him pray for "mommy to feel better" though :-)