Thursday, February 2, 2012

He is learning. . .

I took the kids to Chik-Fil-A for lunch today to let Colt play with his buddy for a bit. They weren't getting along well, so I wrapped it up and told Colt we were coming home. Well, I'm embarrassed to write this, BUT he started screaming and crying "I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME!!" (repeatedly and very loudly). Not saying this was a first tantrum or anything, but it's definitely rare in our house - it's just not tolerated.

When we got home, Colt had to sit and think about why he was going to get a spanking while I brought the baby and everything in from the car . . . his spirit had changed and he actually apologized (on his own) for "crying, pouting, being mean to Mommy." I told him it was ok to "cry," but we don't throw fits or pout - that's just selfish and unthankful, and it doesn't please God or Mommy. He accepted his discipline well and went down for his nap.

Well, he just got up and came to straight to me. Crawled in my lap, hugged me and kissed me. . . THEN said (again, all on his own), "Mommy, I'm so sorry for being bad at Chik-Fil-a. I love you." Awww, my heart melted!! There IS HOPE!! haha.

I love this boy. Then, he said, "Mommy, sometimes you yell in my face too and I forgive you."
But I've never yelled in your face Colt. Mommy wouldn't do that. . .
"Well, if you did I would forgive you too."