Thursday, March 15, 2012

Colt is on a "teeth brushing" kick. . . so much so that he is really picky about what he eats, always asking if it will give him a cavity, or if it's good for him and makes him strong. I don't really know where this minor obsession came from because I try to tell him that you don't have to brush your teeth 87 times a day, 3 is enough.

Nevertheless, the saga continues. His little friend is having a bday party at a candy shop, and when I told Colt the FIRST THING he said was, "Do they have a little sink and tooth brush for me to brush my teeth after I eat some candy?"

When I told him probably not, but that we COULD brush when we got home after the party. . . he said this, "I have a good idea! How about we sell candy at our house and have the party here! Then, I could brush my teeth!" Good thought, huh?