Sunday, September 5, 2010

Oh my. . . today was so much fun! I suppose because you were cracking me up AND obeying :-) That always makes the day more enjoyable.

At Kohl's you wanted to wear your rain boots. It's September and definitely NOT rainy. A lady told you she really liked your boots. To her you replied with MUCH enthusiasm,"Thank you. I like YOUR shoes." Where that came from, I'll never know. You amused us both.

We went outside to pet Rosie tonight, but we couldn't find her at first. Thankfully you were yelling, "ROSIE!! I NEED TO PET YOU!!"

I was cleaning upstairs this afternoon when I heard you let yourself in the back door. You came to tell me there were flies outside that came in. Wonder how that happened?

We love you too much. . . if there is such a thing.