Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Potty Training - Day 3

We started off great with a pee in the potty as soon as you got up. You even slept in until 6:40 which was a gift from above I know. Unfortunately your diaper from last night was wet. I'll attribute that to a late dinner with "Ambuger" and "Jamesburger" though. We'll try to eat earlier and hold the fluids before bed time when we can.

You did great throughout the morning too! No accidents! You told me when you had to potty twice and the rest were prompted by Mommy and Daddy. Still, no accidents is great for me! But, I was helping Daddy outside for about 10 minutes while you were napping and came back in to hear you crying, which is unusual since you can now get out of bed when you wake up. I went in and you were standing in your bed very distraught about the wetness surrounding you. After assuring you that life was still good and that you could go on, I asked if you were awake or asleep when you peed. You said, "awake. I called for potty," and then started crying again. It must have been one of those times where you GOTTA GO when you gotta go :-) Especially considering you've woke up dry the past 2 days with big boy underwear.

THEN. . . it was dinner time and Daddy and I were discussing how you still hadn't pooped (great dinner convo), which was very unusual. We were waiting and watching. . . Well, you told me when you started pooping in your underwear. A bit late. I think I scared the rest of it back in by rushing you to the potty. Because you had accident #2 with the rest of the poop about an hour later.

You did great at church though. No other problems. We'll just have to work on pooping in the potty specifically. That sounds fun, huh?!

I guess we did have 1 other accident though. . . you were helping me wash our cars today. You did such a great job too, knocking the bucket over and sitting in the water. . . it was great :-) I don't know HOW you did it, but you got the car wash and poured the WHOLE gallon in my bucket. Yep. That was fabulous too. I'm just thankful the bucket was empty and I could pour it back in, and that you didn't try to drink it. That's what I get for washing the back of the Tahoe and letting you stay at the front. I should have definitely enlisted your help on the rear bumper, or specifically instructed you not to somehow find the carwash, take the cap off, and dump it in my empty bucket. Maybe I'll do that next time.