Monday, September 6, 2010

Potty Training - Day 1

So, today has been Day 1 of potty training for you Colt. Mommy is off this whole week, and I decided today was a good day to start! (Plus we have 1 pack of diapers left and don't want to buy anymore). You are a smart kiddo, and I have faith in you!

After your initial diaper change this morning came the "Big Boy Underwear" ceremony. I couldn't emphasize enough how BIG this was to you. . . hoping you would catch Mommy's enthusiasm. I set my alarm for every 20 minutes to ask you if you needed to go potty. You got annoyed with that quickly, so I changed it to every hour.

You used the potty before we left for the park (and got 1 M&M candy - a blue one per your request), peed in the grass AT the park (and got another blue M&M). . . you were doing great! It had been 5 hours and NO ACCIDENTS. Well, we noticed when we brought you in for lunch your big boy underwear was a little wet. It didn't seem like enough to constitute a pee though. . . then I found where you had taken off your socks and shoes (full of pee). Lovely. Accident #1.

Before your nap you used the potty and Mommy reminded you several times not use the bathroom in your bed. You had to get up and tell Mommy or Daddy that you needed to potty!! DO NOT USE THE BATHROOM IN YOUR BED. I don't know why I didn't want to put a diaper on your for your nap. . . but I didn't. Thankfully, you woke up clean and dry!

As soon as you woke up, I took you to the potty, but you said you didn't need to go. After your snack you told me you had to pee pee though!! And you did. . . in the potty of course. I was really getting pumped! This was going to be easier than I thought :-)

Then we went to our friends for dinner. Your buddy Kephas peed in the grass and you must of thought you had your pants down too, but you didn't. Accident #2. Then we walked to the ice cream shop. . .

ACCIDENT #3. You came up running and crying leaving a log in the floor and an inch long trail. Again, LOVELY. Daddy picked it right up before anyone noticed. Thankfully there weren't very many people there. We took you out and cleaned you up, and of course cleaned up inside. That was not my favorite accident.

Oh well, you have a diaper on for the night. Overall, your hits definitely outweigh the misses! We'll embark into Day 2 tomorrow. . . Keep your chin up kid.