Thursday, September 16, 2010

So, you now know your ABC's. I posted a video on my blog today. It had you saying your ABC's and playing with your imaginary Baby Jack. You sort of created him after you went to visit your new cousin, Jack. It's amusing none the less, so you can view it here too:

One other thing, when we lay you down to sleep we usually tell you that we love you "to the moon and back!" I just laid you down for your nap and said "I love you big mister." Not even thinking you said "I love you to the back of the moon!" That definitely brought a smile to my face.

2 things to add from tonight:

You were playing outside this evening while I was cleaning up after dinner when you flung open the door and yelled, "MOMMY! COME SEE THE RECTANGLE!" You were talking about the screen door for our back porch. . . must have been quite the find for you!

I just laid you down and you asked if you could sleep with your Bible. I told you no, because last time I tried it you wouldn't go to sleep because you were "reading" it. You said, "I can't sleep with my Bible because it will rot my teeth out?" hahahaha. That's what I told you about sleeping with drinks. HILARIOUS.