Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Potty Training- Day 2

Successes - 2 pees in the grass while playing outside this morning
1 pee in the potty before nap time
1 pee in the potty after nap time
1 pee in the grass before dinner
And just when I wasn't sure if you would do as well "inside" as you had done "outside" all day, you told Daddy you had to potty during dinner and did!! Yippee. . . another blue M&M :-)

Misses - You must have went to the potty 100 times telling me you had to poo poo. . . but never did. I left you outside for 2 minutes and what do I find? A Colt with poop on his legs that says he pooped in the sandbox and Rosie ate it!!! Now that is nasty. I almost gagged at the thought.

Just some funny things you said today too:

Standing in front of the refrigerator this morning: "Mommy, will you open the alligator please?"

I was fixing you a half of bagel and wondering out loud if you would like apple butter on it. You said "Yes sir, I like apple butter." For one, you called me sir. For two, you've never had apple butter . . .

Have I ever mentioned that you say "sandwich" "sambichich". . . you asked for a sambichich 57 times and talked about it the whole time you ate it. So it's forever ingrained in my memory.

Can't forget this one: We had some new friends over for dinner, James and Amber. You had James' name down, but Amber always came out "Amburger" and somehow James' name morphed into "Jamesburger" as well. I'm glad they thought it was funny too!