Thursday, September 9, 2010

Potty Training -Day 4

ITS BEEN A GREAT DAY in the life of a Mommy with a 2 year old being potty trained! Whoo hoo!! I wish I could say the task is complete, but I don't want to jump the gun :-)

I kind of wanted to see if you would use the potty without any prompts from Mommy today, but then again I was nervous because I don't particularly like to clean up accidents of that nature. . . BUT I gave it a shot! And praise the Lord, you told Mommy when you needed to potty and would even pull your pants down on your own and go if you were outside, or I would take you to the bathroom if we were inside. We actually ventured to Daddy's school to hear an awesome speaker in chapel, and you told Mommy twice that you needed to potty! While I may have missed part of the message, you DID use the bathroom both times and we didn't have any messes to clean up.

Maybe you are wondering about any progress on the "#2" in the potty problem we were having yesterday. Well, I heard you wake up from your nap and say "MOMMY I NEED TO POTTY!" So, I ran in there because I didn't want a repeat of yesterday. . . you sat on the potty, had an expression of terror and started crying because you were actually pooping in the potty! That's a first. . . I was screaming and cheering while you were saying "big poo poo" and flushing the toilet as quickly as you could. . . you weren't quite fond of that experience, and you didn't actually smile until we were downstairs and I told you that you could have 5 M&Ms and some ice cream for that accomplishment. I had to laugh, because I said "Colt, Mommy is SO proud of you!!" To which you replied, "Thank you Mommy, now I get birthday cake!"